I'm a nominee...

Dziś dowiedziałam się, że zostałam nominowana do Nagrody Liebster :) Jest mi bardzo miło, ponieważ jest to internetowa nagroda przyznawana blogerom przez innych blogerów. Głównym jej celem jest pomoc, tym którzy dopiero rozpoczynają swoją przygodę z blogiem, w byciu rozpoznawalnym.

Zadano mi 10 pytań, na które musiałam udzielić odpowiedzi, oraz nominować kolejne osoby i zadać im kolejne 10 pytań :)
Zobaczymy, co z tego wyjdzie. Jedno wiem, dziś mój blog odwiedziły osoby z bardzo wielu krajów. To już jakiś sukces, nie? 

Today I found out I got nominated for the Liebster Award by German Blondy :) I'm really pleased since it's an online award given to bloggers by other bloggers. 
It's main purpose is to help new bloggers get recognition. 

I have been asked the 10 following questions:

1. If you were alone on a deserted island, what 3 items would you want to have with you?

I'd take pictures of my family, a pen and paper to write down my experiences.

2. What is your favorite meal? 


3. If you could meet any famous person (alive or dead), who would it be?

Iris Apfel, I love her style and approach to life in general.

4. Cat or dog?

I used to be a dog person but since we saved a homeless kitten I'm head over heels a cat person.

5. Why did you start blogging?

I had so many ideas and passion about life I just wanted to share it with others.

6. What inspires you to write? 

Generally, EVERYTHING I read, see or just experience during the day, also people surrounding me.

7. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

Full house :)

8. What is the most amazing thing you have ever done (besides starting your blog?)?

I had my son :))))

9. What is the first thing that pops into your head when someone asks you to bring a dish to a party?

Homemade pizza, I love Italian food.

 10. What book are you reading right now?

Women Who Run With the Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Very interesting. 

My 10 questions for you:

1. Tea or coffee?
2. If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?
3. What's your biggest dream?
4. Your favorite season of the year and why?
5. What's the hardest in blogging?
6. Who's your favourite male actor?
7. Are you a morning bird or a night owl?
8. What's your earliest memory?
9. What's you biggest inspiration?
10.  If you had a chance to live in other times, when would it be?

The Rules of the Liebster Award:

    Each nominee must have under 300 followers

    Thank and link the nominating blog

    Answer their 10 questions and propose 10 new ones for your nominees

    Nominate 10 blogs and tell them they have been nominated (spread the love)

Write a post including all of the above and include the rules in the post
My nominees:



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